Natural-Dyed Triangle Bag 36

Natural-Dyed Triangle Bag 36


We use local tribal dyes like shoulang yams and old betel nuts to dye.

The yams are used to dye fish nets to make the hemp fibers strong and invisible in the sea.

Betel nut is a meaningful medium in pangcah tribes, sacrifice, social and love rituals are related to betel nut. The materials for dyeing clothes, building houses and refreshing chewing gums are also from betel.


The natural dyeing collection is piece-dyed in our Hualien studio.

Natural dyeing is labor-intensive, but it's worth it every time the earthy color emerges and when people smiled at the beautiful colors.


The natural-dyed color may be uneven, it fades with age like all things in nature.


薯榔,阿美族語是 koleto^,有豐富的單寧酸與膠質,時常染在漁網、織布等自然纖維上,來增加布料的堅韌與耐久度。薯榔的色澤會隨著日曬與使用,越來越沉,像是時間的光澤。





編織三角包以植鞣皮繩延續阿美族一繩到底的 Otal 籐編技法,三角包來自日治時期在台灣東部流傳的耐重米袋結構。

編織三角包 36c 可以放入折疊傘與長夾,適合手提輕便出門,有隱藏式雙口袋。

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  • 薯榔

    很久很久以前,在 sawmah 的外公還小的時候,部落的老人家,織好的布用薯榔染紅後,會拿到含紅色溪水裡泡著幾天(應該是有硫磺的溫泉吧),溪水慢慢沖刷後,薯榔織布會由紅轉深,顏色更固著,織布也更堅韌,是用自然裡的鐵礦進行媒染。





    看著粉撲色的檳榔染三角包,「檳榔是阿美族戀愛的顏色呀」,sawmah 說。


  • 100% Taiwan Cotton Canvas

    The Kamaro’an's own developed heavy woven canvas has a water-repellent coating on the surface and a special coating on the back to make the canvas bag structural and durable.

    Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather

    Vegetable-tanned cowhide has a smooth finish while retaining the natural full grain with a unique aspect and touch. Over time, the leather tanned by vegetables will nourish and evolve, developing a patina.



    包袋為 Kamaro’an 自有開發台灣厚織帆布,表面有防撥水塗層,背面上有特殊塗層使帆布包袋具立體結構感且扎實耐用。



  • 34 x 25 x 10.5

  • 草木染 Badagaw, Imay and Kacaw

    編織 Halo Ita, Dongi Ngaday, Dongi Lisin and Ipay Ngaday.

  • 2017